成長的煩惱:希瓦家歸來Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers
All of the Seaver kids have left the nest and have children of their own. But when Mike, Carol, AND Chrissy have no place to go when Kate is at a spa, Scott is out on a campaign, and Chrissy claims to have got evicted, what's going to happen? Well Jason and Maggie were originally going to sell the house to a childhood friend of Mike and Carol's....Richie Flanscopper. And guess who the realtor is....BEN! Ben is dead set on selling this house, but the rest of the Seaver kids aren't so keen on the idea. Due to this, Mike and Carol (who's pregnant), take matters into their own hands and sabotage the house so their little brother can't sell it to Richie and his wife Fiona. Meanwhile, Mike's oldest Michelle, is sad about her dad going to Tokyo, for a job promotion, while the rest of the kids, haven't a thought about it. Close to the end, Ben realizes his younger and older siblings and mother and father really do not want to sell the house so he makes the house unsellable. He drives Mike's car through the garage door, and Fiona and Richie decide to not buy the house. All Seavers rejoice, except Carol who all of a sudden goes into labor. At the end of the movie Carol's son is born. They named him Seaver Malone Johnson. And it's a happy ending for everyone.
Jason和Maggie在《成長的煩惱2:希瓦一家的歸來》中準備開始他們生活新的一章。他們決定賣掉他們的房子,並準備去旅行來度過他們的退休生活(Maggie一直渴望去Tuscany的別墅,而一向節省的Jason希望在一輛 Winnebago房車裡去環遊美國)。但是一切都是說起來容易做起來難。Mike和已經懷孕的Carol為了各自的事情一起合夥阻止這次父母的離開;此時,小兒子Ben(一個房地產經紀人),需要靠賣掉他父母這幢房子的生意來取悅他的老闆。同時,Chrissie,一個充滿渴望的歌手,只想能夠從父母的嚴密管束下脫離出來而開啟她的搖滾明星的職業生涯。現在故事剛剛開始............